Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm a Runnin' Fool

Well, after years of wallowing in physical mediocrity, I've finally discovered a natural athletic talent: Running!

I ran track for a couple months in junior high, but inevitably chips, ice cream and Full House re-runs lured me away from the awkwardly-short shorts and hand-me-down antique track spikes. Then, on the high school tennis team, my "running" joke was that I spent more time on the track than on the courts. This was because our (youth pastor) coach had a firm rule that we would have to run one lap for every letter of a swear word we yelled at practice. Simple math: "Damn" = 1 Mile. "Damnit" = Mile and a half. I quickly learned not to swear less, but to use shorter swear words. By the end of the season, I was no better at tennis but I was in great shape.

Jogging has since been a passive outlet for me. Usually after a viewing of Forrest Gump or Rocky, I'd throw on some kicks and hit the streets...but I never made it a consistent habit. Until recently...

Running on the treadmill at the gym a couple months ago, I noticed I could run pretty fast and for an extended amount of time. All of this without needing to stretch or feeling any pain afterward. So I started running daily. At the recommendation of a close friend, I looked into upcoming local running events. Now I had a goal, and everything changed.
I at once became motivated and empowered. I wanted to push myself and measure my results against others. Now, every time I went to the gym or jogged through the streets, I had a purpose: Training.

I ran my first 5K, 3.1 miles, on September 21st. It was part of the Fremont Oktoberfest Brew Ha Ha. Well, I ran at a pace of 6:39 / mile and finished 37th overall with 815 total participants. That blew my mind. I had no idea that I could fare so well at any sport, especially in my first attempt.

The second and most recent race was the Dawg Dash on October 12th. This was a 10K, and the course covered the UW campus, starting and ending in Husky Stadium. My goal was to run at a pace under 7:00 / mile since running twice the distance I'd probably go a little slower. Well, I ended up running at a pace faster than the first event, even with all the inclines and turns! My pace time was 6:34 / mile and I finished 49th overall out of 903 runners, many of whom are pretty hardcore competitors. I was pretty stoked.

So, I think I've found something at which I naturally excel, and can only improve at over time. I look forward to making running a part of my life...maybe, like, forever. I think I'll do it until my body falls apart, so til about 108. That's the goal anyways...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The 'Burg !

I recently spent a few days with my sis Jennie and her family over in Ellensburg. She just birthed her third human, named Lily, so I had to go inspect the specemin. Not bad. I'm sure she'll be more of a person someday, and have a personality, sense of humor/style etc... but for now, I guess she's like most babies. Cute though.
Anyways, I saw that they have a great little family and will be just fine. I think its so odd that both of my sisters have such different tastes than I do, and are simply less into material things. I bet I'd be more content if I weren't always in the pursuit of "things", but its just part of how I've always been.
Well, all that aside, Jennie, CPT, Haley, CJ and now Lily are doing great and I'm happy to call them family.