Thursday, February 26, 2009


I wrote these poems a couple months ago, while I was snowed in and couldn't go to work, see friends or even shop. I was literally left with no other option but to channel my frustration into poetry. They range from pissed off to pensive.


I wish I was a cowboy, livin’ life on the range. I’d be a simpler man.
I’d throw off concerns with gadgets n things, n’ I’d buy me a patch of land.

I’d work hard from sun up; I’d work ‘til I bled. I’d give everything I had.
Oh, to be out under clear blue skies! Now, that doesn’t seem so bad.

I’d speak with a drawl, and I’d walk with a strut. I’d be known for my integrity.
I’d use words like y’all and I’d wear tight blue jeans, and women would stare at me.

I’d get tougher hands; I’d wear tougher boots, hell I’d hang with a tougher crowd.
I’d drive myself a big, shiny, black truck, whose engine was nice n’ loud.

I’d work in the dust, I’d play in the mud, n’ I’d treat ladies with respect.
I’d do all the mending that’d need to be done. I’d fix anything that wrecked.

I’d have me a horse and we’d be best of friends, we’d ride every single day.
I’d sing him to sleep every now and again, and I’d feed him the world’s finest hay.

My life would revolve around simpler things: Work hard n’ raise a family.
We’d enjoy the blessings that workin’ hard brings. We’d live, laugh, love and be free.

I’d teach my sons how to be better men, by workin’ ‘em to the bone.
We’d work side by side and only quit when, the job’s done and’s time to head home.

I’d make sure my daughters all had what they’d need, I’d build up their self-esteem.
I’d treat ‘em just like the princesses they’d be, n’ I’d treat all their boyfriends real mean.

I’d tell all those boys that I have a big gun that I’d use if I felt so inclined.
They’d fear and respect me, every damn single one, n’ forget what they first had in mind.

Oh, I wish I was a cowboy! I’d be a real man, n’ I’d be up for any task.
I wouldn’t have much, but I’d have all I’d need. Is that so much to ask?
Snowed In (Damnit)

With childlike wonder you watch it fall, pure and shimmering white
In no time it will cover all, yes everything in sight
“Come play with us!” you hear the call, “Come play into the night!”
But then this time it doesn’t stop. No, something isn’t right.

The inches pile, the temperature drops, the kids all stay indoors.
What once was fun and magical seems wondrous no more.
Instead of winter wonderland that you were hoping for,
You’re left with 10 inches of snow and sheets of ice what’s more.

Your car gets stuck the wheels just spin, you ditch the thing roadside
Just to try and get to work, you’re forced to hitch a ride.
The nice driver that picks you up says, “Howdy, step inside!”
It turns out he loves driving fast, and now you’re petrified!

His SUV is flying on what seems to white sand.
And how this guy has stayed alive, you cannot understand.
You fishtail left, you fishtail right, white knuckles on your hands.
You may just die with this fat hick…this wasn’t in the plan.

You finally arrive at work, with all four limbs in tact.
Surprise surprise no one is there, you are alone in fact.
So you just surf the internet and make yourself a snack,
And then you realize that you still have to make it back.

Eventually you ride the bus, which takes about 3 hours.
You get dropped off nearby your place, and hike home in snow showers.
And there it is that car of yours still stuck in feet of snow.
It doesn’t really matter much, there’s nowhere you can go.

You’d sit for days and pray for snow, when you were just a kid.
Now that you’re grown you’ve come to know, just what your praying did.
It screwed up all the roads in town; it caused a lot of stress
Your childhood prayers brought not sunshine, but a great big snowy mess.
Water Falls

Swimming in simplicity, we loved as dear old friends.
Now the water is less clear to us, and we’ve come to a shallow end.

Our days were spent on sunny shores, where carefree breezes blew.
Yet somehow storm clouds found us there, turning black what once was blue.

Regret is just a waste of life, what’s lost cannot be found.
We dove too deep without regard and now our love is drowned.

The times of laughing in the surf seem far too distant now
Those waves they all came crashing down, as did our love somehow.

The tears now fall so cool and clear. They coat a lonely cheek.
In these waters I swim alone, and my arms are growing weak.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm BOARD (ing)

Well, I've delved into yet another extra-curricular activity. Snowboarding. I never really thought about it before. It wasn't on my radar. I could've gone my whole life without snowboarding, and probably not even realised what I was missing. Fortunately for me, a good friend (Jordan Blasdel) dragged me up to Whistler with her family a couple months ago. I borrowed all my gear, including Davis' board, and literally just got on the board and tried it out.

Here I am, a couple months later, and I'm addicted. I've been to Stevens, Silver Mtn(Idaho) and Cypress Mtn(BC) and I'm loving it more and more each time. I've got toeside down so I can get up speed for jumps and I've been going for it every time. I land about 10% of my jumps, but I keep increasing that statistic.

I think boarding will be one of those things I'll do until my body won't let me anymore. Aside from how incredible it feels to glide over snow, I love the culture around the sport. Its so laid back, rambunctious and edgy. I always have plenty of tolerance for those things.

It's just one more thing to add to the list of things I'm learning about myself: I need accessible adventure in my life. Snowboarding is one way to get that.

Homeless and Hapless, but not Hopeless

So, I've been crashing on Tal and Amit's couch for about a month now. For free. The couch itself is about as comfortable as anything could be, but the living situation is certainly not. If it were Amit, Tal and me, it would be great. Unfortunately, they live with Brad Grants and his girlfriend Brooke. I love Brooke. She's sweet and patient and cute. Brad... is not those things. He's like a 60-year-old divrced woman. He drinks his weight in alcohol every night and watches TV and shitty rented movies until he falls asleep. I've been in play rehearsals which means I am not around to witness this graceful, nightly process. But, that means I get home late, which tends to disturb his hibernation. So evry night, I have to tiptoe through the house, and every morning getting up at 6am, I have to tiptoe as well. They don't really heat the house, so I literally am shivering throughout my silent morning routine. I used a hairdryer for the first couple weeks to stay warm and dry myself off (since my towell is always wet from the day before), but Brad, in his signature passive aggressive style, told Tal to tell me that it was too loud in the mornings. So, back to shivering I went. I don't use the fridge, I don't use the heat, I don't use the TV or internet, I use the toilet about 3 times a week. The only impact on the bottom line I have is my daily shower use.

Well, its bills time at the fun house, and Brad sent out an email to Tal and Amit asking them if I was planning on contributing. As of today, I've got $13.75 in my checking account. I get pais on Friday, but most of that goes to my portion on the mortgage (for the house I can't live in) and my other bills. I have $50 cash that I was saving for a rainy day, so I think I'll give that to Brad as a parting gift.

I think that it's time to move on, yet again, into another "temporary" solution to an ongoing problem. I've done an amazing job of not letting this get to me so far, but I fear if this lifestyle (if you could call it that) persists...that I might lose it. We'll see, I always manage to stay happy and optimistic.

Monday, February 9, 2009

(mostly) Indie bands I'm into right now

Golden Silvers (Swooping melodies, harmonies and eclectic instrumentation) -JUST MY STYLE

Empire of the Sun (Epic sounds from a freshman album)

Mother Mother (Way eclectic, do it well heavy or light, they're rad)

Blind Pilot (Relaxed indie/folk)

Broken West (Today's American music)

Midnight Juggernauts (Huge electro-dance sounds send you into outer space)

Friendly Fires (Great song: In the hospital)

Johnson & Jonson (Good Hip Hop)

Kay Starr (Awesome standards singer from the 50's)

Kelley Polar (innovative electronic symphonics)

Lady GaGa (Can't get much fresher than her)

Pale Young Gentleman (Feels like travelling to Europe in 1890)

Pop Levi (Eccentric, catchy Pop from a true Brit)

The Boy Least Likely To (Innocent sounds of Summer)