Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I'm BOARD (ing)

Well, I've delved into yet another extra-curricular activity. Snowboarding. I never really thought about it before. It wasn't on my radar. I could've gone my whole life without snowboarding, and probably not even realised what I was missing. Fortunately for me, a good friend (Jordan Blasdel) dragged me up to Whistler with her family a couple months ago. I borrowed all my gear, including Davis' board, and literally just got on the board and tried it out.

Here I am, a couple months later, and I'm addicted. I've been to Stevens, Silver Mtn(Idaho) and Cypress Mtn(BC) and I'm loving it more and more each time. I've got toeside down so I can get up speed for jumps and I've been going for it every time. I land about 10% of my jumps, but I keep increasing that statistic.

I think boarding will be one of those things I'll do until my body won't let me anymore. Aside from how incredible it feels to glide over snow, I love the culture around the sport. Its so laid back, rambunctious and edgy. I always have plenty of tolerance for those things.

It's just one more thing to add to the list of things I'm learning about myself: I need accessible adventure in my life. Snowboarding is one way to get that.

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