Monday, July 12, 2010

America used to love Gingers...

There was a time in the not-too-distant past when a bright-eyed, freckly-cheeked redhead was the unofficial poster child for the American Boy. In post WWII United States, during the golden era of economic growth, suburban sprawl, TV dinners and giant Buicks, the American Ideal was at its strongest realization in our country's history. At this height of national stability, we represented ourselves with a symbol that has since become a thing of mystery, a thing we fear and misunderstand... a thing we as Americans have turned our back on. I'm talking about the American Redhead.

From Norman Rockwell to The Andy Griffith Show, popular culture in this country embraced redheads as the sweet, innocent face of our nation's prosperity and bright future.

As the American Ginger faded from the limelight, so has America's standing in the world as a beacon of happiness, hope, pride and prosperity. These days, I see no little Ronnie Howards lithping their way across our TV screens, I see no redheaded boys with fishing poles and rolled up overalls... in fact, the American Redhead has become the butt of jokes from a nation whose identity has become all but lost.

For the sake of our future as a great nation, I urge you as patriots to again embrace those who served as the face of America's finest years in its existence...
Embrace the American Redhead.


Brittany Ann said...
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Brittany Ann said...

WHooaaaAA. let's try that again...

quite possibly the most insightful blog post i've read. ever.

p.s. your picture is cute. are you single...?
