Thursday, December 31, 2009

B to T and Everything in Between

An electronic mail from Skinny Pete (I added corresponding pics):

I started with B and T, then worked towards the middle. C S, D R, E Q etc... until I arrived at the letter K.

Games like this expand my mind, at least I hope so. Here's what I got. I was surprised how easy this was.

Bill Thomp Calls Shots
Drives Recklessly

Exuberates Quality

Fist Pumps
Gets Odd

Hates Normal

Imitates Models
Jocks Ladies


- JC

Feeding Babies Crappy Food is FUN!

My best buddy B UNGS and his main squeeze L UN Da were a little bored at home and it was feeding time. So, they decided to feed their new daughter Lily some gross baby food for their own amusement. Can you blame 'em?...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

When Friends Cross The Line

Courtesy of my friend, Matt C. :

This may not be a glorious diarrhea mp3 file, butt, it is a shot of me wearing $100 bill boxers with a gigantic hole that no longer covers my hole, yet I continue to wear them. Added bonus, the wasteband reads “my expensive undies”... we are really on opposite sides of the underwear fence.

Should I be flattered that a friend feels comfortable enough with me to share such an intimate photo, or should I be deathly afraid...? I fear it's the latter...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Whisk me Away NOW!

If I could close my eyes and teleport to any time in history, any place in the universe... I'd definitely want to be on stage (if not one of the backup dancers) for this dreamlike peformance by one of the sultriest Southern Belles that ever graced the entertainment industry, Bobbie Gentry.

KIRKA is Finland's best musician I'd never heard of...

Don't let NOT having a beach hold you back from making an epic, bikini-filled, waterfront masterpeice music video. It didn't stop Kirka...

All you need to know:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Oh boy, I can lay it on REEEEAL thick sometimes... Our options were either making a really cool, engaging video (which would've taken a lot of time to prepare and execute) or to go the cheesy, easy route. It's pretty clear where we ended up. The hardest part is going to be maintaining the same zest throughout our entire live presentation. Zest is another word for embarassing-amount-of-facial-expressions.

Go GOOGLE Yourself!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dawg Dash 10K 2009, WOOF!

I like to say "woof" because it reminds me of Kevin McCallister in Home Alone. He says that after seeing a picture of Buzz's girlfriend when snooping through his trunk. Great movie.
Anyways, I ran my 2nd Dawg Dash 10K yesterday and had one goal: Beat my time from last year. I feel like I was in better shape last year, but I've become more accustomed to longer distances, so this time wasn't as brutal. I ended up beating my time by over a minute, which is all I could've hoped for. What pisses me off is that I got a better time but placed 5 spots behind. People are getting faster...

bib number:


overall place:
55 out of 872

division place (M 20-29):
18 out of 123

gender place:
50 out of 445


Friday, October 16, 2009

Monsters of Folk, Prophets of American Music

Whoa. Thank God these guys decided to put their individual egos and projects on hold to get together and make this music. Monsters Of Folk is literally an All Star Team of American Singer/Songwriters, with each member contributing a signature sound and style. Every song was better than the last, and each performance soulful, honest and engaging. Mike Mogis of Bright Eyes is a masterful musician and played a wide variety of instruments with ease. From the electric guitar to the mandolin to the slide guitar, he was a flawless powerhouse. His bandmate Conor Oberst was equally impressive, but moreso due to his passionate and emotional vocals which pumped through the Paramount for almost three hours. M Ward showed off his AMAZING guitar technique, playing several solo songs to a completely silent house. Whether strumming, playing lead or hopping on the piano, M Ward is one of the finer musicians playing today. Jim James from My Morning Jacket brought the house down with that unique, borderline-nerdy voice of his. It shone through with absolute purity and everybody loved him.

The guys took turns singing lead, playing lead and switched up their instruments constantly. They played songs from their individual catalogs as well as tunes from their collective work on their self-titled album.

Though better LIVE, here are some great songs by the boys:

This was the band's third stop on their first ever tour, so I feel very fortunate to have seen such an incredible three-hour set. Plus, anything at The Paramount is going to be that much better. I hope they keep working together, for the sake of American music.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kyrgyzstan has a rad Coat of Arms

I should tattoo this on my chest. Oh yeah...

Friday, September 4, 2009

If I Get Murdered In The City...

The Avett Brothers. Live at The Paramount. Amazing show. I uttered under my breath more than once during the show, "This is nearly a religious experience." The sound produced by the four musicians was staggeringly heartfelt, passionate and moving. I now understand why my new, dear friend Kelly would travel to see them play. I even had the audacity to comment to a coworker that they have the potential to be Beatles good. Am I crazy? Or is it that they are one of the best bands out of America in years?

Check 'em out HERE.

Also a great song. Haunting in its simplicity: MURDER IN THE CITY

Monday, August 31, 2009


In case you didn't know... A helpful little diagram.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

QR Codes !!!

My mind has just been blown. How come I've never heard of QR Codes?!? Those dang Japanese beat us to the punch yet again. This technology will undoubtedly be in massive use stateside within the next several years. Read more about it HERE.

Here's my own personal QR Code:

For iPhone users, download the free "upcode" app. Use it to take a picture of this 2D image and it should direct you to my website on your mobile device. Just by scanning and processing the image. Absolutely nuts. I'm thinking of tattooing my QR code on my neck or something. It's that cool to me.

Can a 'URL Killer' Save Our Text-Weary Thumbs?

After Long Gestation, QR Codes in U.S. Are Finally Starting to Catch On
Posted by Garrick Schmitt on
07.28.09 @ 10:26 AM

"Mobile Marketing: QR Codes Are Finally Close to Reality";

"As anyone who has ever struggled to manually input a URL into a mobile phone browser will tell you, there are relatively few joys to be had in the physical act of "texting." Surprising, then, that the QR code -- sometimes dubbed the URL killer -- has yet to catch-on outside of Asia. Until now that is."

As anyone who has ever struggled to manually input a URL into a mobile phone browser will tell you, there are relatively few joys to be had in the physical act of "texting."
Sure Apple, Palm, Google and BlackBerry have made great strides in providing elegant, easier-to-use keypads on their latest mobile devices. But there more than 4.1 billion mobile devices in the world today and most of them are your standard, garden-variety handset with a small screens and numeric keypads.
Inputting long lines of text on such devices, even with normal-size fingers, is a clumsy experience at best that can leave even the deftest "text-er" feeling ham-handed. This poses a huge barrier to mobile internet service adoption and, of course, marketing.
Surprising, then, that the QR code -- sometimes dubbed the URL killer -- has yet to catch-on outside of Asia. Until now that is. A flurry of new QR code activity from cultural tastemakers and media platforms alike may finally push the barcode into the mainstream.
For those unfamiliar, QR codes are 2D bar codes that contain small bits of data, such as URL strings, phone numbers and e-mail addresses. To read the QR code, a user simply launches a "reader" on their mobile device and takes a snapshot of the image. The software will then trigger the appropriate response, which can include launching a URL in the phone's browser to streaming a video or MP3.
Long popular in Japan, where QR codes are used on everything from bananas to advertising to
tombstones, the following developments may prove the tipping point for the technology worldwide:
"9": QR codes will play heavily into this fall's promotion of the Tim Burton-produced film "9." Consumers who have QR readers on their mobile devices will be able to scan the code for
exclusive clips from the movie and commentary from the director. Focus Features debuted the campaign this past weekend at ComicCon in San Diego.

Green Day: For the band's new album, "
21st Century Breakdown," Green Day employed QR codes in magazine ads, posters, stickers and more. The QR code directs users to a special mobile site that enables the downloading of exclusive images and videos. The group partnered with Delivr to provide the content and media.
YouTube: The largest video platform in the world began to embrace QR codes this year. If you access the
mobile YouTube site through an iPhone or Android device, you will now have the option to generate a QR code that embeds a link to the video.
Firefox: Similarly, Mozilla's recently began to offer an add-on for its Firefox browser called
Mobile Barcoder. The extension allows Firefox users to users to simply generate a 2D QR code of either a URL or selection of text for easy transfer to a mobile device.
Luis Vuitton and Takashi Murakami, Marc Jacobs: Japan still sets the bar for radical evolutions of the QR code. Tokyo-based creative agency
SET is bringing a design sensibility to something that -- for the moment -- has been a geeky-aesthetic. The agency brought together Louis Vuitton and Takashi Murakami for a unique spin on the QR codes. And for Marc Jacobs, the QR code gets a decidedly artful hand-drawn rendering.
Of course there have been some early, but decidedly mixed, experiments with QR codes outside of Japan. Most notably, Citysearch ran a
pilot program in San Francisco last year allowing users to get restaurant reviews from stickers placed in the windows of participating establishments. And advertisers like Pepsi, Siemens and Volvo have all run QR campaigns in the past few months.
But it's only more recently, with the rise of the iPhone and Google's Android, that QR codes are starting to see a rise in Europe and the U.S. Both of those devices, with simple-to-install QR apps, allow users to bypass handset/carrier relationships that previously stalled adoption, to download and use the readers of their choice.
And as consumers get more familiar with scanning the codes, the future for QR codes will only get brighter.
PSFK recently reported that scientists in Australia have developed a color barcode called Mobile Multi-Colour Composite 2D-Barcode that can hold more complex data and entire images and videos, sans URL. Even better, the new codes will work with a mobile device whether or not an Internet connection is actually available -- which means nearly instant, immersive experiences.
Given that, it's not hard to imagine a not-too-distant future where QR codes will become the primary bridge connecting real and virtual worlds.
Imagine a QR code becoming the call-to-action on every print ad or billboard. We'll watch movie trailers while waiting for the bus and stream hit singles upon passing by a poster. Beyond that, QR codes will become affixed to every conceivable product in a retail environment. Imagine using QR codes on your next trip to the grocery store to view recipes, learn about the farmer who grew your lettuce and even snag a coupon -- it's already happening in Japan, now its time for the rest of the world to catch-up.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Pride Comes Before The Fall (when it takes place in the summer)

I love Pride Festival because The Gays know how to party with the best of 'em! I was lucky enough to get into the Vitamin Water VIP because of Alex's connections, and we partied for free with Seattle's young Gay-lite [as in 'Gay Elite', not the sugar free version of Gay,(if there is such a thing) 'Gay Light'. ]

Also, ran into my old buddy, Richie Fader. Love that guy!!!

My bandmate Jordin was there and we had a fun time, while it lasted. I bought her a beer, but she was stuck in line so I had most of it.

Jordin was kind enough to catch me on film, getting digits from Bridget, the hottest straight girl at the entire event. I looked like such a nerd, I'm amazed I pulled it off.

Check out the video here (about 1:45 in) :

I guess I was into POINTING while having my picture taken that day. Sorry about that.

I ROCKED the Rock n Roll Half Marathon

With a final time of 1:36:31, I finished 281st out of 15, 610 competitors. Not bad. I was 40th place in my division (M 25-29).

My pace per mile was 7:22, which is really badass for me. I couldn't be happier about that.

Oh yeah, and I almost passed out afterward. Literally. I was in the medic tent for almost 20 minutes, attended to by 4 volunteers. Close call. Worth it.