Saturday, March 14, 2009

Of Cherry, Jewels and Fingernails...

So, I've been hanging a lot with Lola recently. We have such a blast together that I'm at her house at least a couple times a week. So, I was over there yesterday evening, and right as I was getting out of my car, an older Mercedes pulls up along side my Mini. Remember, this is in Magnolia, the whitest neighborhood in Seattle. I peer inside the car to see two black chicks dressed all fly, with their phones out. "Excuse me, do you know how to get to 23rd and Gilman?", she asked. I said, "Well, I could check Google maps on my iPhone, if you're willing to wait a bit.". To this, she replied "If you take my number, I'd be willing to do more than that." (!?!?!) I was put back by this, but played it as cool as I could, and said, "Why don't you just give it to me and we'll see." After I entered the number, I asked her name. "Cherry." she said, in a very sultry voice. I made some BTHOMP comment about her fingernails, an inch long at least, being the color of cherries, and asked the name of her travelling companion. "This is Jewels. Give me or her or both of us a call and we could get together sometime." Now when I write this, its very obvious what was going on here, but I swear I was so naive at the time that I just thought these two very urban females were genuinely interested in me, the whitest guy in Magnolia. I was even wearing cowboy boots for cryin' out loud. Anyways, after a couple handshakes and a sexy "Call me sometime" from Cherry, they were on their way.

Not more than 45 minutes later, it occurred to me that I should call Cherry. I thought to myself, "You only live once. Why not hook up with a chick like Cherry? It'll be a woman I'd not soon forget!" I didn't even find her physically attractive, but more so the fact that she propositioned me so directly. That was sexy. So, I scrolled through my contact list until I reached "Cherry & Jewels" and hit Call.

She was happy to hear from me, not surprising. She then got down to business. She asked what I was doing that night, and I said I had no plans and was thinking maybe she, Jewels and I could get together. She said something like, "If you're at your place later and are lonely, give us a call and we'll come give you some company." Not even at this point did I realize I was talking to a professional. Naive. In fact, I was really turned on. I was thinking, "Man, I'm so hot that a woman doesn't even need to know me more than an hour and she wants to sleep with me." Sort of true, in this case. When I told her I just might do that, she said, "We have an understanding right? You call me and I come provide you with company...? You get me right?" To this I replied "I think so...", and she said "If you 'think so', then I think you get it.". It was only after this exchange that I really got it. I quickly thanked her and said I'd call her once I figured out my evening plans. Once I hung up, aside from being a little shocked, I was so happy!

The universe can give us unique little adventures on a daily basis, but only if we accept them. Now, I've not only got a great story to tell, but the number of a prostitute named Cherry in my phone for a rainy day. I love life!

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