Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Eulogy For The Books

A good buddy of mine, Mac Attack, sent me an email today. I've cut and pasted here (hope that's okay Mac...):

ok, I'm a horrible person and this is not funny at all but it totally is. So this woman that worked at my old job who is like a total Stepford wife and has a really ugly baby just had to put her cat down, which is sad, but then she posted this poem about it on facebook which reads like something I might have written when I was 5:

Our little greeter, our special little friend.
You are in a better place now with no pain.
Even till the end when you looked into our eyes.
You told us everything would be o.k. and that we were doing right.
I will miss playing fetch with you and your cuddles in the dark.
You were always under foot, just like a dog with no bark.
Your sister is wandering around the house crying out your name.
We will hold her much closer and tell her it’s o.k.
You were such a beautiful kitty and gave us so much love.
We will miss you but not forget you for you will always be loved.

Anybody who rhymes "love" with "loved" should be published immediately.

Interestingly, I wrote a poem for an ex-girlfriend, in which I wrote the lines:

"I will miss playing doctor with you and your cuddles in the dark.
You were always under the influence, just like a dog with no bark."

This woman must know my ex...

BTW, Mac commented on her favorite line:

"Your sister is wandering around the house crying out your name.
We will hold her much closer and tell her it’s o.k."

I wanted to leave a facebook comment that said "with the money you can make with that talking cat, you'll be able to buy thousands of replacement cats."

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