Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tough Breaks

Where to begin?... I suppose I'll go at this chronologically. Saturday night was fun. Very fun. I was in usual BTHOMP form, dancing up a storm, taking tons of pictures etc. Ended up falling asleep, finally, at around 5am on Sunday. At about 7:30 I was awakened by some girls who needed a ride back to their apartment, so that was the start to my day. 2.5 hrs of sleep is hardly enough to keep a machine like me going at full capacity. I had enough time to go home, change, grab my boarding gear and get over to the Eastside to Tal's house. We then headed up to Alpental at Snoqualmie. Neither of us had much sleep, and we weren't too excited for a full day of boarding. What was exciting was the fact that we had both borrowed passes, so it was free. That's always cool because you don't feel pressured to board the whole mountain, and if you only get in a few runs, you didn't waste any money.

Well, about 2 hours into it, Tal and I were boarding down to the lodge to grab lunch. He got a bit more speed than me, so I yelled that I meet him down there. Not too long thereafter, I was speeding over this crest, when all of the sudden, my board caught this mogul and I flipped right onto my head and shoulder. I heard a crack, but I thought that was just the sound of my body slamming onto the ice. I've fallen pretty hard a few times, so I was surprised when I 'came to' that my shoulder didn't seem to be attached. I felt a sudden rush of nausea and began to sweat profusely. Though I've never before been injured, I was convinced that I had dislocated my shoulder, and proceeded to snowboard to the base of the mountain cradling my right arm. My muscles tightened and became all wobbly. Just boarding nice and easy was very difficult for me, and I fell once more...on the same shoulder. Yeah, I know.

So, I eventually reached the base of the mountain, pale as a ghost, and luckily Tal was there to meet me. After helping me unstrap, we walked to the First Aid room and they sprung into action. There was a whole team of volunteer doctors attending to me, though one of them was clearly the boss. Dr. Strafford. They helped get off my gloves and jacket and laid me out on a medic bed. I was boarding under my buddy David Plutko's pass, so they kept calling me David. They even asked "What kind of name is Plutko?” which confused me. "Italian..." I painfully mumbled in response. The doctor determined I had indeed dislocated my shoulder, and started systematically wrapping sheets around my arms. What none of us knew at this point was that I had not only done that, but I had broken my collar bone in three places. THAT explains why the pulling and pushing of my arm back into the socket was so painful. Once my shoulder seemed to be back in its right place, the scene calmed down, and I was then attended to by two people. The whole time I was going back and forth between swearing and cracking jokes. They all said that I handled myself better than most patients they've seen. I was advised to go into Issaquah and get X Rays at Urgent Care to assess any further damage.

Tal was really helpful and patient, taxiing me from place to place all day. After the X Ray, it was clear I had fractured my clavicle, and the question was now "Will he need surgery?". A few pain pills and episodes of Family Guy later, I passed out on Tal's couch. The sling they gave me really prohibits movement and even without it I've been having a very difficult time performing simple tasks, like changing my shirt, typing or applying deodorant. I found out this morning that I most likely will not need surgery, which is good, but I'll still need as much as two months to recover. That sucks. Summer is my time of the year, where I really come into full BTHOMP. It's gonna be rough.

As if all this wasn't enough, my car was broken into last night. Yes, I live in the hood, and yes I leave my valuables in plain sight, but still... I was walking to my car this morning, and noticed papers spread all over the floor mats. Then noticed that my ipod and $300 sunglasses were gone. Upon closer inspection, I found the giant slash in my convertible soft top that they used as an entry point. They took everything. Money, 5 pairs of designer sunglasses I had collected over the past few years, my beloved iPod, CDs, a nice pocketknife, my 3 pairs of expensive driving gloves and who knows what else. I filed a police report and an insurance claim, and now I have to deal with all of that crap.

When it rains, it pours. In this case, it will literally pour into my car and all over me and my cloth seats due to the huge "vent" I'm sporting now. Mama Mia!...Do I really deserve all of this? I didn't think so, but now I'm beginning to wonder...

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